Monday, March 20, 2017

No Evidence of Wiretaps, and Sill Investigating Russian Links to US Elections

No Surprise Here

  • James Comey, the F.B.I. director, said the agency has “no information” to support President Trump’s allegation that Barack Obama wiretapped him.
  • Mr. Comey also said the agency is investigating Moscow’s interference in the 2016 election and possible links between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.*
I believe Mr. Comey has outlived his usefulness to the republicans.  Look for his replacement soon!


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Trump, The Ultimate Magician

New York Times article: Trump Travel Ban, Miscue or Misdirection

Trump throws a hissy fit over his watered down version of the travel ban being blocked by a federal judge. Trump is either so arrogant that he cannot admit when he is wrong,  he is using the travel ban to misdirect the public away from another issue, or both.

I believe truth is a little of each:

  1. His personal arrogance won't allow him to accept "no" as an answer.  He has bullied anyone he has worked with all his life.  In his business, if he does not get his way, he throws lawyer after lawyer at the problem in hopes of crushing the other side.  He truly believes if you are not with him, you against him.  You are against the orange god of manipulation.
  2. The travel ban is a convenient way of focusing the public attention away from the his great wall folly, and the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.  It is Nero fiddling while Rome burns. And yes, I know Nero really did not fiddle while Rome burned but you get what I mean anyhow.  Actually, the more he presses the travel ban, the more he reinforces the need for the wall among his groupies.
Trump is not stupid. He knows how to manipulate people.  This travel ban rouse is part of the magic show.  Trump cares no more for the people of this country than their adulation will carry him.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Monday, March 6, 2017

A Short Break

I have been coping with a knee injury but I will be back online shortly.