Monday, February 13, 2017

Welcome to the Resistance

Since election day, I have been growing more and more angry.  My posts on Facebook became more vitriol.  With every lie, and injustice, my gentle heart was becoming exactly the same callous heart as Donald Trump.  That caused me to pause. Actually, my eighty year old father caused me to pause.  He became concerned about me.  I went off Facebook for a week.  At the end of the week, I had gained some perspective back. 

I read quotes from Gandi that resonated like a big bass drum with my soul.  Here are two quotes:

Think about this, first the Trump Administration ignored us, and then they laughed and ridiculed us.  Now, they are beginning to fight us.  Laws are popping up all over Redland to criminalize protesting.  When they seek to stop non-violent protest, then they are concerned that their deception will be uncovered. 


The more we reach out in anger, the more powerful men like Trump become.  They become more powerful because the anger is taken as a threat of violence that allows them curtail basic freedoms like speech and assembly.
Keep you head up high, your mind free of anger, and welcome to the resistance.



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