Monday, May 22, 2017

For thousands of years, humans have struggle with how to order our world.  At each turn in human history, the avarice of a few is summarily crushed.  Our age is no different. We must gather the courage to fight the few who have everything, and force a redistribution of resources to everyone. If someone is hungry, they are fed. If they are thirsty, they drink water. If they are homeless, they are sheltered.  In a world where the basic needs of the poorest are met, the possibilities are endless.

Friday, April 21, 2017

All Are Created Equal?

If we are all created equal, then why is the inequality so wide and pervasive after "men" are created?

Monday, March 20, 2017

No Evidence of Wiretaps, and Sill Investigating Russian Links to US Elections

No Surprise Here

  • James Comey, the F.B.I. director, said the agency has “no information” to support President Trump’s allegation that Barack Obama wiretapped him.
  • Mr. Comey also said the agency is investigating Moscow’s interference in the 2016 election and possible links between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.*
I believe Mr. Comey has outlived his usefulness to the republicans.  Look for his replacement soon!


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Trump, The Ultimate Magician

New York Times article: Trump Travel Ban, Miscue or Misdirection

Trump throws a hissy fit over his watered down version of the travel ban being blocked by a federal judge. Trump is either so arrogant that he cannot admit when he is wrong,  he is using the travel ban to misdirect the public away from another issue, or both.

I believe truth is a little of each:

  1. His personal arrogance won't allow him to accept "no" as an answer.  He has bullied anyone he has worked with all his life.  In his business, if he does not get his way, he throws lawyer after lawyer at the problem in hopes of crushing the other side.  He truly believes if you are not with him, you against him.  You are against the orange god of manipulation.
  2. The travel ban is a convenient way of focusing the public attention away from the his great wall folly, and the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.  It is Nero fiddling while Rome burns. And yes, I know Nero really did not fiddle while Rome burned but you get what I mean anyhow.  Actually, the more he presses the travel ban, the more he reinforces the need for the wall among his groupies.
Trump is not stupid. He knows how to manipulate people.  This travel ban rouse is part of the magic show.  Trump cares no more for the people of this country than their adulation will carry him.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Monday, March 6, 2017

A Short Break

I have been coping with a knee injury but I will be back online shortly.

Sunday, February 26, 2017


This is a good start.  Reach out to the voters to find how they really feel, what they really want, and what they fear. 


Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Liars Club

Trump has consistently lied with reckless abandon.  He really does care and/or is incapable of telling the truth.  This really should surprise no one. His entire campaign was fabricated. 

Trump's intentions are clear... keep the press chasing their tails by deliberately lying. If the press is busy with chasing down lies, then they won't cover the real issues like the Russian connection. If the press is busy proclaiming their disgust over being excluded from White House press conferences, then they are not reporting on the totalitarian tactics of the Trump Gestapo.  The more we focus on the details of the lies, the more his henchmen can get away with.

Trump only fears two things, one, a free press exposing him for what he is. Two, collective action by the people in the form of protests. How do I know this?  Trump has gone after the legitimate press from the beginning. And now, Republicans all over the country are seeking to stifle dissent by criminalizing anti-Trump protests.

Here are a few suggestions for action:

  1. Do not dwell on the lies. Call them out for what they are and move on with the resistance.
  2. Do not pass along and, thereby legitimize "fake news". Google any news you are uncertain about. Trump is depending on you stay uninformed by getting your news from headlines only.
  3. The legitimate White House press needs to boycott press conferences. After all, there nothing but lies coming out of the White House.
  4. Keep up the resistance. Go to organized protests, town hall meetings or anywhere Republicans will have to directly face you. Yell and scream that you are "as mad as hell and you are not going to take it anymore." 

America watched in awe as a wave of revolutionary protests reverberated in the Arab Spring uprisings of end of 2010, and the beginning of 2011.  The people took to the streets. We, in America, were proud and supportive of the fledgling attempts for democracy by the Arab people in many different countries.  This is our Arab Spring.  Through resistance we can persist, and prevail.

Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.

-Robert Kennedy

Read more at:

Friday, February 24, 2017

The Real Deal

Our President Barack Obama

This is what real genuine support looks and feels like. Trump can only lie to himself that he has this much adulation. 

Barack Obama walks out of a coffee shop and receives more cheers than Trump has received in his life. 

That is a real president looks like, not the tin pot dictator who is wetting himself over his unfavorable ratings.

He Still Has Our Back

Obama Lawyers Form "Worst Case Scenario" Group to Tackle Trump

A Troubling Choice

The Wrong Way to Rebuild the Democratic Party

This article describes the bitter choice that the Democratic Party faces.  One way will lead to partisan oblivion and the other will lead to a revitalized party ready to take on the oligarchy erected by the Republican party.  To emulate what the Republican party has done is just plain wrong.  Rebuilding needs to begin at the community level.  Gone are the days when the party dictated who to vote for.  Now, it is more important than ever to explain why the people need to vote Democratic. 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Go Ahead...Become the Irritation

No matter how Republicans complain, accuse and lie, become the irritation that sends them into a hissy fit.  Practice this long enough, they will weaken and become so defensive as to render them impotent. 

The Constituent Phobia

More and more Republicans are expressing fears of their constituents.  Further, they blame paid protesters, and liberals for their constituents doing the unthinkable, dare I say it, disagreeing with their elected representative.  

The heart of the matter is that across this country voters are showing up in droves to state their opposition to a multitude of proposed policies of this drunken, ideological bankrupt administration.   

To which I say, keep it up.  They should grow to fear their constituents, and live with prospect they will be voted out of office. For too long, congress has been spoiled by a placid electorate. Now, is the time to put the fear of their vote in hearts of all of congress.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Today's Quote


An Empty Campaign Promise

Donald Trump's campaign promise that resonated with millions of building a wall is looking more like a wishful thinking.  This campaign promise preyed on the fears of the unemployed, underemployed, and all those who's standard of living has been eroded.  Which means everyone except foe the wealthiest Americans. This ploy is a classic totalitarian misdirection. Pointing at immigrants, Trump is shouting they are to blame for your lot in life.

Trump knows if he does not build the wall, he will not be reelected.  If he does build the wall, it will be at the expense of government assistance that is truly needed.  The wall will be America's multi-billion dollar white elephant with no one buying.

Donald Trump's envoys head to Mexico

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Personal Mantra

Why Do So Many Support Trump?

Those who support Donald Trump do so for the following reasons:

First, there are the pure ideologues who support the conservative and by extension the republican party.  These are the people who rain or shine, in their interest or not, would always vote republican.
Second, there the racist, sexist, white nationalists, and the plain hateful who support Trump.  The racist hate anyone who is not white.  The sexist hate women.  The white nationalists go beyond hate.  They want genocide, literally and figuratively.  The plain hateful thieve on suffering of others. 
Third, there are those who want worship wealth as a religion.  Trump is their messiah.  Despite any attempts to tarnish his image, Trump is seen by many to be the embodiment of the American dream.  A dream that is out of reach except for a select few.  But they keep supporting Trump as they believe one day that will be them and they don't want anyone taking away their non-existent money.  These are the same people who play the lottery week after week.  The long odds cannot take their dream away, and heaven help anyone who gets in the way of that dream. 
Fourth, there are the religious zealots who believe or rationalize through their religion a mythical political enemy that must be defeated or the world is lost.  Never mind that their twisted view of religion bears no resemblance to the any credible interpretation of the Christianity.  Never mind that there view is so narrow as to strangle any meaningful dissent as blasphemy and evil.  
Fifth, the are those who have given up all hope.  They see Trump for what he is.  And they begrudgingly voted or did not vote at all.
Over the next few days, I will look at each of these distinct groups of people.


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Screaming at the Storm

Do you ever feel like doing this? I do everyday. When I see the cancer of lies spreading through the internet.  What's worse is the people that believe the lies.  How can people be so naïve?  This blog will answer that question and more in future posts.  We need to understand what leads someone to a belief system or no belief system.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Welcome to the Resistance

Since election day, I have been growing more and more angry.  My posts on Facebook became more vitriol.  With every lie, and injustice, my gentle heart was becoming exactly the same callous heart as Donald Trump.  That caused me to pause. Actually, my eighty year old father caused me to pause.  He became concerned about me.  I went off Facebook for a week.  At the end of the week, I had gained some perspective back. 

I read quotes from Gandi that resonated like a big bass drum with my soul.  Here are two quotes:

Think about this, first the Trump Administration ignored us, and then they laughed and ridiculed us.  Now, they are beginning to fight us.  Laws are popping up all over Redland to criminalize protesting.  When they seek to stop non-violent protest, then they are concerned that their deception will be uncovered. 


The more we reach out in anger, the more powerful men like Trump become.  They become more powerful because the anger is taken as a threat of violence that allows them curtail basic freedoms like speech and assembly.
Keep you head up high, your mind free of anger, and welcome to the resistance.