Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Liars Club

Trump has consistently lied with reckless abandon.  He really does care and/or is incapable of telling the truth.  This really should surprise no one. His entire campaign was fabricated. 

Trump's intentions are clear... keep the press chasing their tails by deliberately lying. If the press is busy with chasing down lies, then they won't cover the real issues like the Russian connection. If the press is busy proclaiming their disgust over being excluded from White House press conferences, then they are not reporting on the totalitarian tactics of the Trump Gestapo.  The more we focus on the details of the lies, the more his henchmen can get away with.

Trump only fears two things, one, a free press exposing him for what he is. Two, collective action by the people in the form of protests. How do I know this?  Trump has gone after the legitimate press from the beginning. And now, Republicans all over the country are seeking to stifle dissent by criminalizing anti-Trump protests.

Here are a few suggestions for action:

  1. Do not dwell on the lies. Call them out for what they are and move on with the resistance.
  2. Do not pass along and, thereby legitimize "fake news". Google any news you are uncertain about. Trump is depending on you stay uninformed by getting your news from headlines only.
  3. The legitimate White House press needs to boycott press conferences. After all, there nothing but lies coming out of the White House.
  4. Keep up the resistance. Go to organized protests, town hall meetings or anywhere Republicans will have to directly face you. Yell and scream that you are "as mad as hell and you are not going to take it anymore." 

America watched in awe as a wave of revolutionary protests reverberated in the Arab Spring uprisings of end of 2010, and the beginning of 2011.  The people took to the streets. We, in America, were proud and supportive of the fledgling attempts for democracy by the Arab people in many different countries.  This is our Arab Spring.  Through resistance we can persist, and prevail.

Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.

-Robert Kennedy

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