Sunday, February 19, 2017

Why Do So Many Support Trump?

Those who support Donald Trump do so for the following reasons:

First, there are the pure ideologues who support the conservative and by extension the republican party.  These are the people who rain or shine, in their interest or not, would always vote republican.
Second, there the racist, sexist, white nationalists, and the plain hateful who support Trump.  The racist hate anyone who is not white.  The sexist hate women.  The white nationalists go beyond hate.  They want genocide, literally and figuratively.  The plain hateful thieve on suffering of others. 
Third, there are those who want worship wealth as a religion.  Trump is their messiah.  Despite any attempts to tarnish his image, Trump is seen by many to be the embodiment of the American dream.  A dream that is out of reach except for a select few.  But they keep supporting Trump as they believe one day that will be them and they don't want anyone taking away their non-existent money.  These are the same people who play the lottery week after week.  The long odds cannot take their dream away, and heaven help anyone who gets in the way of that dream. 
Fourth, there are the religious zealots who believe or rationalize through their religion a mythical political enemy that must be defeated or the world is lost.  Never mind that their twisted view of religion bears no resemblance to the any credible interpretation of the Christianity.  Never mind that there view is so narrow as to strangle any meaningful dissent as blasphemy and evil.  
Fifth, the are those who have given up all hope.  They see Trump for what he is.  And they begrudgingly voted or did not vote at all.
Over the next few days, I will look at each of these distinct groups of people.


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